Friday 26 June 2009

Ghost Sighting Wrexham Thirsty Scholar

I lived there with my mom Karen 2001-2002. My room had a man in it. I was 10 when I lived there. Every night I went to sleep there would be breathing in my ear and foot steps in my room, moaning. It scared me so much I ran to my mom in a fright. She didn't believe me, she said I was being silly so I went back in my room with my light on. Every time we had showers you felt like you were always being watched so I showed in my bathing suit all the time. I hated being upstairs or anywhere in that pub on my own. I felt so scared, my things always went missing, TV coming on by itself, my dog always barking for no reason. We believe that it all started when my big brother went in the old tunnel in the cellar and to this day I hate being on my own and sleep with a light on, it was so scary there!


  1. I work in the pub Thirsty Scholar but is now called Arnolds bar and grill. My manger had told me about the morgue. After reading this internet info I find it very intresting and my college tutor had told me about the former hospital and where they stored the bodies is now an art garlley at Yale College.

  2. I didn't believe in ghosts until I had an encounter in there. I was only 19 and went there just before Wrexham was kicking off. Went to toilet, came out and saw a dark shadow in the mirror from the toilet I had just come out of

  3. While my mother (Julie Edwards) was running this pub I lived upstairs in the flat. It was very scary living up there on my own at first. I could hear tapping noises one night so I went in the cellar to investigate and it was only the ice maker making ice! I never really saw anything happening upstairs but I felt constantly uneasy, as if someone was watching me. My mother's pub licence was in a frame on the wall behind the bar; one Sunday afternoon I was at the bar watching footy and the licence flew across the bar and hit the back of my leg. That was the only experience I had of this ghost untill the very last night of my mum running the pub. She invited some spiritualists around and they set up all this equipment. I was showing them around my flat and a massive sighing sort of heavy breathing happened as we got to the landing. I thought it was one of them making this noise but they swore it wasn't them. When it got to 3am we went into the cellar, all stood in a circle, pitch black. The lady kept asking if there was any sprits who want to contact. We heard this whispering voice saying "get out"! Then a pump on a keg of beer came off the barrel making a huge hissing noise! I was up those stairs and outside by the time you could say pint of stella! I never visited the cellar again nor the pub! I ain't said all this just to stick up for my mum; even I didn't believe a word she said about the ghosts until I moved in there and I didn't believe in ghosts either. But I do now!
