Friday 24 July 2009

Ghost Sighting London Bank Station

The 7th exit to Bank station was built on the former site of a church crypt. The 7th exit was also the entrance to the church crypt and had to recite thousands of uncoffined bodies from mass burials. the ticket hall is now where the crypt used to be. Another siting of Sarah Whitehead was of her being heard knocking against the old wooden door lifts at Bank, and frightening a station supervisor who now works on the other side of Bank station (Monument), as he was frightened at what happened.

1 comment:

  1. I believe in ghosts, and i do believe about the one at Bank underground station. If you people watch "Ghosts on the Underground" on the bio channel on sky or watch it on youtube, then you'll find out that the Bank ghost is Sarah Whitehead. Apparently, she returned daily to the Bank area, dressed in black to mourn the death of her executed brother in 1811. It is believed Sarah was buried in the Bank area and her grave was disturbed during construction at Bank station...............
